Question en attente de réponse
Dear, I would like to ask you if Somfy One+ camera need WIFI for use. I know that I can buy monthly recording to cloud for 5 or 6 EUR. The place I need camera is not connected to internet. OR I can see that you have new product EXTENDED LINK HOME ALARM, there is option for SIM working in extended link. If I buy this link, can I add indoor camera and use cloud recording without Wifi?
Thanks for reply. Another question? Can you send to Czech republic? Czech support could not answer this special request and extended link is not for sale in Czech republic. Thanks for help!
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Hello Martin
Somfy cameras work with WIFI only.
EXTENDED LINK HOME ALARM use Esim and it's not possible choise opérateur.
Thanks for reply. So what service is for 5EUR "permanent recording to cloud" without Wifi? how can be recorder without wifi? Why is this available if camera is only with wifi? Thanks
EXTENDED LINK HOME ALARM with esim not support Caméra
Camera Wifi only
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