Question en attente de réponse
I have a problem with a z-wave module and cannot remove it from the Tahoma configuration. I remember there was a button to neglect the module power connection at the removal process, but this button has disappeared although the text field is still there (since last update?) How to proceed?
N'hésitez pas à interroger la communauté d'entraide !
make a reset of your Tahoma and restart
A reset does not change it Philippe. I still can't remove the module.
Good evening,
It will take, you will have a response from the technical service.
Enter the PIN of your box.
Sorry Sylvain, what do you mean, where should I enter the PIN?
Here on this post.
And you will have a response from the service.
The pin is 0202-4139-1543
ok Willen,
No worries you will have an answer within a week.
Okay, hope it will be earlier. I thought there was an option for a forced removal, but I can't find it anymore. Anyway it should be implemented.
We are the technical support for french consumers only, so we can't have an access to the boxes connected abroad.
You should contact your technical support Somfy.
Dear Gladys, thanks for your reaction, but Somfy France did it before. I even had a phonecall with Cedric V beginning 2016. Netherlands can't do it. Anyway the ui of the Tahoma should contain an option for a forced removal of z-wave elements, in that case these customer contacts will not be necessary.
I have contacted Somfy NL again, but no solution yet.
Still no response from Somfy NL nor FR.
No solution is available at this date.
I remove one product identified, and we are working on a solution.
We have a problem to delete an old product (or product created with a problem during the discovery) inside the Usb key.
Is it ok?
Ah, thanks Cedric, you're my man...the product has been removed indeed, and thanks for acknowledging the issue.
Hi Cedric, You wrote "We have a problem to delete an old product (or product created with a problem during the discovery) inside the Usb key". As far as I can see the product is removed from the key itself, but not from the Somfy server, so it stays visible in the Tahoma.
On the other hand when you try to add a z-wave product like e.g. the Fibaro Wall Plug that is not supported by Somfy (unfortunately), the product IS added to the usb stick but becomes not visible in the Tahoma interface.
So local and remote profile become misaligned.
No prospect of a solution/update yet?
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