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Une maintenance de votre box TaHoma est prévue ce Mercredi 23 Octobre 2024.

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L’équipe des Yellow’s SOMFY  

Question en attente de réponse

z-wave module support Tahoma

I could connect two Fibaro z-wave modules but it appears that only specific modules are supported by the Tahoma. The Fibaro wall plug e.g. cannot be connected. Why is this, why no broader z-wave support? That would make the Tahoma much more versatile!

Willem K.
Willem K.

Willem K.

882 / 2000
  • Partager cette question


    Je pourrais relier deux modules Z-Wave Fibaro mais il semble que seuls les modules spécifiques sont pris en charge par le Tahoma . La prise murale Fibaro par exemple ne peut pas être connecté . pourquoi pas un soutien plus large Z-Wave ? Cela rendrait le Tahoma beaucoup plus polyvalent !

    Cédric V.
    Cédric V.

    Cédric V.

    1200 / 2000

    Dear Willem,

    The Fibaro plug can be used with Tahoma but only like a generic product with not its fully function. Only the On/Off function could be managed.
    Fibaro like other brand uses a specific profile, and Tahoma cannot manage all of them.
    Problem known: If the order is done with the Tahoma, you have the acknowledgement of the order (Icon updated). But if you switch On or Off the plug with the on/off button on it, the new status is not sent to Tahoma.
    With the Somfy plug, we have no problem like that.


    La prise de Fibaro peut être utilisée avec Tahoma, mais seulement comme un produit générique et sans toutes ses fonctionnalité. Seul la fonction Marche/arrêt sera gérée.
    Fibaro comme d'autre marque utilise un profil spécifique et Tahoma ne peut pas les gérer tous.
    Problème connu Avec le plug ON/Off Fibaro (à ce jour): si l'ordre(la commande) est fait avec Tahoma, vous avez le retour d'information (l'Icône mise à jour). Mais si donner cette ordre avec le bouton marche/arrêt de la prise, le nouveau statut n'est pas envoyé à Tahoma.
    Avec la prise de Somfy, nous n'avons aucune difficulté de ce genre.

    Willem K.
    Willem K.

    Willem K.

    882 / 2000

    Dear Cedric, thanks for the explanation, I only need the on/off function. However whatever I do, the Tahoma does not bind with the module. When I start the 'add' function and I put the module in addition mode as well, nothing happens. (It is the Fibaro FGWPF-102.)
    Regards, Willem

    Willem K.
    Willem K.

    Willem K.

    882 / 2000

    No solution?

    Willem K.
    Willem K.

    Willem K.

    882 / 2000

    Unfortunately no succes with the Fibaro plug FGWPF-102 with sw V2/5 F EU dated 09/06/2015. Also cannot connect with Fibaro Dimmer 2 sw v3/2 EU dated 16/07/2015. Suggestions very welcome.

    Willem K.
    Willem K.

    Willem K.

    882 / 2000

    No suggestions anymore?

    Le É.
    Le É.

    Le É.

    22 / 100

    I am also using the Fibaro Wall Plugs, as they are the best looking ones on the market and fit well to our home. However, Tahoma is not recognizing them over Z-Wave.

    @SOMFY: when do you plan to support at least the on/off functions? You have shown the plug in your last software releases but it is not working. And since you stated in this thread that they work at least on off, could you please provide us with instructions on how you made it work, as if I follow the instructions, the Tahoma times out after 30 seconds and the plug does not show up. Thank you!

    Willem K.
    Willem K.

    Willem K.

    882 / 2000

    I can confirm that the Fibaro FGS-212 switch, FGD-212 dimmer (and FGD-211 dimmer, but not sold anymore) do work with the Tahoma. The wall plug FGWPF-102 (with energy meter) does not work.

    Cédric V.
    Cédric V.

    Cédric V.

    1200 / 2000


    Old product removed manually.



    Le É.
    Le É.

    Le É.

    22 / 100

    The Fibaro wall-plug works perfectly with the USB stick of the Tahoma box. Problem is that the Somfy Software in Tahoma does not support it.

    I connected the USB plug from the box to my computer running Domoticz ( and it worked out of the box, including energy meter, information on button press on/off, etc.

    So the problem is the crappy Somfy software, which is a shame since the Fibaro plug works perfect with the open Z-Wave standard and open source implementations.

    I am actually selling my Somfy box as I have switched to running my smart home with Domoticz on a Raspberry Pi using Z-Wave and the Tahoma USB-Stick (which itself as said works perfect on Raspberry Pi).

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