Chers utilisateurs,

Nous rencontrons actuellement des ralentissements sur nos serveurs pouvant impliquer des difficultés à vous connecter à Tahoma.

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L’équipe des Yellow’s SOMFY  

Question en attente de réponse

Support with solus transmitter

When I press one of my solus transmitter (attached on the wall) it moves the roll-up shutter in the desired direction.
But if I remove the finger from the button it stops.
I'd like to change this behaviour to "move on one click and stop on another click" as my other solus transmitters.
How can I do this?

Francesco F.
Francesco F.

Francesco F.

1 / 100
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    Thomas M.
    Thomas M.

    Thomas M.

    5000 / 5000

    Good Morning Francesco,

    When you need to let your finger on the remote control to have a mouvement of your motor that is because the programmation of the motor is'nt finish yet.

    Normally it's not possible to end the programmation with this kind of remote control. Do you have an another kind of remote control or do you have a "PROG" button in the backside of the Solus Transmitter ?


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