Question en attente de réponse
Hi, After the latest update of the Tahoma on 19 July 2016 when a command is given to a z-wave switch or dimmer the device reacts only after 10 seconds or so. When directly after a new command is given the (or another) z-wave device reacts immediately. When I wait a few minutes and operate a z-wave device again it reacts again only after 10 seconds. It looks as if there is some "sleeping" issue of the communication of the Tahoma with the z-wave tranceiver. This is quite annoying. Anyone got this problem? Is there a solution? Thanks in advance for a response. Best regards, Willem
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This problem is known by Somfy and they work on a solution.
Hi Robert, Thanks for the quick reply, any idea about the planning?
No idea, it could need delay...
Okay, well maybe a Yellow can tell...
No they never make a commitment on the dates because they dont know how to respect them...
I know, but I think letting a customer completely in the dark is not very customer friendly. The should give us some idea. I usually do that to my customer. Let's close the discussion.
Hello Willem,
We apologize for the inconvenience but as written by Robert, we can't give you a resolution date if we don't have a solution yet.
Thanks for the reply Gladys, but I think Somfy should be able to fix the issue within a relatively short period, as the problem did not exist before the latest update.
The problem with Z-Wave must be now solved.
I agree with you, however we have no resolution date and I can't give you a reliable date.
The slow response of the Tahoma box in combination with z-wave modules appears to get worse, maybe because I have added more modules(?), and is becoming quite annoying. Is there any prospect of a solution yet?
Thank you Gladys, I discovered this some time ago. The problem I am referring to is the slow response when giving commands to z-wave modules.
It appears an software update is planned for next week, what are the (major) fixes?
We do not have an update already scheduled.
So, we don't have a list of bugs fixed.
Dear Gladys,
Thank you for your reply. There ís an update scheduled in the Netherlands for next Tuesday (10-01).
Kind regards, Willem
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