Chers Utilisateurs,

Une maintenance de votre box TaHoma est prévue ce Mardi 16 Juillet 2024.

Vous pourrez réaliser la mise à jour de votre box à partir du Mardi 16 Juillet 2024, milieu de journée. Pendant la mise à jour, vos équipements, vos scénarios et votre fonction "ma sécurité" restent disponibles. Cependant, aucune modification ne sera possible et il se peut que votre interface soit indisponible pendant quelques minutes.

Les services TaHoma seront de nouveau opérationnels Mardi en fin de journée.

L’équipe des Yellow’s SOMFY  

Question en attente de réponse

Somfy One + no connection

I have the same problems that everyone here has. My Somfy One stopped working after a power cut, and can not reconnect. I have uninstalled the Somfy One and all the cameras, tried all the reset buttons/strategies available, but nothing seems to work. This is really terrible

Dominic M.
Dominic M.

Dominic M.

12 / 100
  • Partager cette question


    Thomas M.
    Thomas M.

    Thomas M.

    5000 / 5000

    Hello Dominic,

    Really Everyone got the Same problem ? Do you just know how many Somfy One are installed and working without issue compared to the few problem that you read on internet ?

    In order to diagnostic the issue that you meet with the Somfy One, can you tell me how does the LED react (colors and blinking) of the Somfy One during the RESET and installation trying ?


    Dominic M.
    Dominic M.

    Dominic M.

    12 / 100

    Hi Thomas,

    the LED is a perpetual blue, it does not flash. It will not reset, and I cannot connect to the box at all. I have tried all sorts of resets, deleted the box from my WiFi, etc., and nothing works.

    Thomas M.
    Thomas M.

    Thomas M.

    5000 / 5000

    Hello Dominic,

    According the reaction of your Somfy One, it seems to be defective. In order to manage you After-sales Service I need some personal datas and that is why we will continue our discussion by email.


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